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2019年4月22日 『SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE』をプレイいただいている皆さん、誠にありがとうございます。攻略の多様性の After applying the update, the version notation in the bottom-right of the title screen will display as follows: App Ver. 2019年8月4日 Patch 1.0.2: The Waterproof feat is obtainable right now, but due to a bug, the feat only checks for completion when you place a landfill, not a bridge. To get around this, just make sure that your final block placed is landfill. 6 Feb 2016 Directly after you continue down the linear path you will be led to a locked door and a dead end. If you make your way All right, now that you've started the game, let's get the basics out of the way. Once you've taken your 

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